If I were to win the lotto while still a jw, I would immediately write a large check to the org (if I wanted to stay a member). Once they cashed it they really wouldn't be able to say squat unless they first returned the money.
frozen one
JoinedPosts by frozen one
If you won the lottery whilst being a JW.....
by mtsgrad inwhat impact would that have on your life?
an elder told me he would be very repentant and then spend every penny/cent?.
what would you do if you won $9,000,000?.
Why the government won't tell you a Killer Asteroid/Volcano is coming!!
by Witness 007 ini started a thread on yellowstone's super volcano having major tremors over the last week...also this week a meteor exploded over alaska causing a sonic boom.
in the movie "deep impact" president morgan freeman tells the world that a huge meteor is coming and life is about to end for many.
this would never happen in real life.
frozen one
Orson Welles caused a bit of a panic with the radio play "The War of the Worlds" in 1938. If a real calamity were at hand I would understand a government not warning the public about their impending doom.
I figured out what's been digging up my back yard!
by Elsewhere inits an opossum!
i just now stepped outside to get something and there it was!
i checked wikipedia and found out they were introduced into this area during the great depression to serve as a source of food.. hmmmm... sounds like the country boy in me is about to come out.. i might have to make me some possum stew!
frozen one
Maybe you have skunks in the area. Skunks dig quite a bit and they are nocturnal so you would not see them during the day. They don't necessarily smell either unless they are provoked to spray. If you are really curious get yourself a motion activated game camera and take some photos. Once you figure out what is doing the damage buy a live trap and eliminate the problem.
Skunks were doing quite a bit of damage in my yard last summer and I live trapped them out of existence. I released them over by my ex-girlfriend's house...not really but it did occur to me. Actually I set them loose in a place away from any development. I turned them loose as there really isn't anywhere handy near by to shoot them and drowning doesn't set well with me.
Good luck and happy hunting.
What an inspiring Christmas music video!!
by frozen one inplay this at 4:20 on christmas day.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8hgswf584e.
frozen one
Play this at 4:20 on Christmas Day...
...Ice Dog...
by OUTLAW inmy daughter and her husbands small dog disappeared..it was no where to be found..until they went to the pond in the yard..the dog fell into the pond,drowned and the pond froze over..now the dog is frozen into the pond,under the ice and they can`t get him out.....you can still toss the dog a treat,but it just hits the ice and slides to the other end of the pond.......................outlaw
frozen one
Now he`s frozen,in a fish pond..
He sleeps with the fishes? He must have tangled with the mafia.
Poll: Paper work and Organization....
by SixofNine in.... extremely difficult, stress inducing activities,
.. impossible, stress inducing activities?
frozen one
My job, I'm a utility construction foreman, requires lots of documentation. While I don't really care for the paperwork, I do like the paycheck. The key to paperwork is to never ever get behind. Getting caught up sucks.
Gov of Ill. arrested for corruption, another close buddy of you know who
by Gregor inhe was trying to sell obama's seat plus a bunch of other shakedown schemes using his union contacts and control of state funding.
frozen one
I read part of the criminal complaint against Blogojevich at The Smoking Gun. Blogojevich is stark, raving mad.
blood sugar
by John Doe inso, i missed classes today.
well, im diabetic.
i figure that more than a few of you share this problem.
frozen one
I have type 2 diabetes and have crashed a couple of times. It is a terrible feeling. Are you insulin dependent? I know a few people who are and they use an insulin pump instead of taking shots. I know little about how the pumps actually work but the people I know who use them say the pumps are fanstastic as the pumps keep their levels nice and steady.
Latest JW e-mail - JW witnessed to Obama
by sir82 inhere's the latest e-mail making the rounds:.
subject: brother witnesses to obama in ncthis is a picture of mark juntunen, a brother in our congregation talking.
to obama when he visited asheville nc during one of his election stomping.
frozen one
What are the odds that this brother would happen to be at a particular resturant at the precise time that the future President of the Unitied States stopped by? Further, what are the odds that this brother would happen to have a copy of a magazine that contained important and precious knowledge from the FDS? The odds are impossible. This was no happy coincedence! This important meeting was overseen by no other than Jehovah himself! Praise Jehovah! PRAISE JEHOVAH!!!
Is Voting A Waste of Time?
by sammielee24 ininteresting article -.
why voting in the u.s. election is a complete waste of time... politics / us politicsnov 02, 2008 - 02:05 pmby: clive_maund.
the united states likes to portray itself as the bastion of freedom and champion of democracy, but if this were really true then there would be at least 6 or 8 different parties to choose from at election time, and given that it is now a country of over 300 million people a choice of at least 10 different parties would be more appropriate, but instead there are just two.
frozen one
Good God some of you people are silly. The big reason to vote is this. If you give up your right to vote, you give up your right to bitch.
I don't understand this obsession with the Presidential race. When you go vote you do get to vote on other things also. I'll be voting for a Senator (a third of you will be doing the same), a Representative (everyone has this on the ballot), a state wide seat, and for County Commissioner. There are also state wide, school district, and local questions to be answered with a simple yes or no. I forgot to mention the judges on the ballot.
There are a lot of reasons to vote besides having a wee voice in who gets to live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.